Entries open for 2023 NSW veteran matchplay championship at Shoalhaven Heads

The 2023 NSW Veteran Golfers Association (NSWVGA) Matchplay Championship will be held at the much lauded Shoalhaven Heads Golf Course from the 29th May to June 2.

Entries are now open for an event that will be limited to just 144 entrants in the Men’s and Women’s divisions, so it could be a good idea to sign up as soon as possible if you are interested.

Included in the $175 entry fee will be four rounds of golf at the beachside Shoalhaven Heads course – just south of Wollongong – as well as a presentation dinner, threatened by Tournament Director Greg Collins to be a “cracking evening” at the Shoalhaven Heads Bowling Club.

All players in the event will play four matches with prize vouchers presented for every match won.

The tournament schedule is –

Sunday May 28: Meet & Greet and Registration, Shoalhaven Heads Golf Club.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: All 4 rounds at Shoalhaven Heads Golf Club from 7.30am

Friday: Presentation Dinner at Shoalhaven Heads Bowling Club 7pm.

The championship is open to men and women verteran golfers aged 55 and over.

For further details contact –

Greg Collins

02 4448 8683


Download flyer
Download Program/Conditions of entry
Download editable entry form

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